In about 8 hours, the polls officially open across America.
Since I have been following national elections, I haven't seen one that even compares to this one in terms of being an absolute nail-biter up to the finish.
I have never seen passions run so high. And I believe that there is good reason for it: the stakes in this particular Presidential election are extremely high. And so, tomorrow will be a true defining moment in our nation's history.
Without hesitation, I will be pulling the lever for George W. Bush. Basically, the decision comes down to two factors:
1) National security. As much as I dislike some of the things that Bush has done domestically as President, I believe that he is by far the most serious of the two major candidates in terms of understanding the stakes in our global war on terror. 9/11 gave him a mission, which was simply to declare all-out war on terrorists and on the global infestation of terrorism. He sought to de-legitimize terrorists, to correctly classify them as criminals and evil-doers, and to use the full power of the US and her steadfast allies to root out and destroy terrorists and to undermine the societal underpinnings of terrorism in general. This is the right thing to do. Period.
2) The angry, venom-spitting tactics of the Left. I know that there are a lot of reasons that the Left dislikes Bush, and probably a majority of those reasons have to do with the 2000 election. But those reasons are not sufficient to justify the all-out hatred and venom directed at the President, particularly when those actions aim to simply tear him down and undermine his abilities to lead, regardless of the cost. I simply believe that such unrestrained evil should not be rewarded by the electorate. If the Left wins, then we the people will have given them a mandate to replace reason and civil discourse with all-out hatred.
So what will tomorrow night's results look like? Personally, I have never believed that John Kerry has carried a clear majority of popular support. I know that all of the polls have both candidates in a dead heat. But things change when you are in that booth all alone and you have to weigh the stakes one last time before casting your vote.
I don't trust opinion polls and never have. They are simply manufactured news. They are a way for news outlets to measure how much the slant of their stories is affecting the way the general population perceives current issues. The press is admitedly 90% Democrat and so I believe that it is a given that their polling will be skewed to reflect significant agreement with the Democrat party platform. I also believe that their polls are designed to keep the race close and to continually generate interest in the "closeness" of the election. I believe that this becomes a significant factor when "their guy" is losing.
So my prediction is this: Bush 53, Kerry 46, Nader/everybody else 1.
I'm not up to speed enough to predict the fall of electoral votes (even though these are really what matter), but I am confident that Bush will win a decisive victory in the Electoral College as well. However, I will be surprised if Bush wins more than 300 electoral votes.
I will also predict that there will be major voter fraud in precincts with a high population of Blacks and illegal aliens. This fraud will be in the form of over-votes and multiple votes. I wouldn't be surprised to see many precincts in heavily minority areas have more votes than registered voters. And of course 90% + of these votes will be for John Kerry.
This is why I am so hopeful for a 5% or greater margin of victory for Bush (or God forbid, Kerry). If the decision by the people is beyond reproach, then lawsuits and court orders will be worthless.
I think that claims of voter indimidation will be hard to prove, since there will be watchers, and watchers watching the watchers, and watchers watching the watchers who are watching the watchers. There will be more cameras than a Japanese tourist convention could boast pointed at polling places.
Congressional elections will ride on Presidential coat-tails, though I have difficulty believeing that the Democrats could regain control of Congress if Kerry wins. At worst, the Republicans will retain a majority in the House and there will be a 50/50 split in the Senate.
So do your duty. Go and vote. There is too much at stake not to.
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Posted by: Health News | March 17, 2011 at 03:56 AM