On today's show, Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment to the "Black State of the Union" speech delivered by Louis Farrakhan last Saturday at a forum organized by talk show host Tavis Smiley entitled "Prominent African-Americans and Development of the Black Agenda." Courtesy of Rush's website, here are some excerpts from Farrakhan's speech:
America must be burned! America is no good at all. If you have made a promise that you don't keep, what are you? You are a liar, a deceiver. All right, now, did they promise the Native Americans? Did they write it in treaties? Did they fulfill it? Did they promise us 40 acres and a mule? Did they fulfill it? I could run the list down of promises made and promises broken. The right to vote. You got it, but the minute they gave it to you; they were finding ways to take it back from you. Can't you open your eyes and see the house is burning?
... You can't make an agreement or covenant with black America when you have made an agreement with hell and a covenant with death...You have good white people who want to see this covenant successful. But you're not dealing with them when you dial up. When you sit down with Bush, who are you dealing with? And do you have what it takes to deal effectively with him? All you can do is petition. That's all you can do. You sit and you confer, you talk, and you feel good. But the Bible teaches you that we war not against flesh and blood. The white folk that you have good relationship with, that's flesh and blood. They don't have the power.
... This is a government that the Founding Fathers said, whenever a government fails to guarantee life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that government either needs to be reformed or abolished. Now, when are you going to stand up? Because you don't have the juice to reform it. It has to be abolished and something new and better set in its place. You all got to take your government back because it's been taken from you by a group of smart, crooked industrialist bankers. (warning: eeeeevil Jewish conspiracy alert) You all know what I'm talking about. But if you don't have the testicular fortitude to say what needs to be said, then sit down and stop trying to say you speak for our people and the hurt of the poor.
... Look to God, look to yourself, break your covenant with hell and death, then make a covenant with black America and let's help implement a road map that will free us and the whites that will be free can be freed by this. The Mexicans, the Hispanics can be freed by this road map. We are a universal people. But those at the top, they're on their way to hell, and if I've got any power, I want to push them into hell as fast as I can.
There's more, but you get the idea: Bush is Satan, America is controlled by evil Jewish bankers, blacks are no better off than they were 50 or 100 years ago, and America must be destroyed and rebuilt in order for blacks to be free. Destroyed, as in burned. As in Armageddon.
Can we all agree that what Farrakhan said this weekend is much farther off the deep end than anything ever uttered by Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson? This man isn't just rebuking some podunk town in Pennsylvania; he wants to see America completely destroyed.
Yet the mainstream press, which convulsed for a week when Pat Robertson suggested bumping off Hugo Chavez, can't be bothered to publish even a single article in the Washington Post or the New York Times about Farrakhan's dreams of white man's annihilation. A quick news search turned up only one article in the Washington Times, which included some of Farrakhan's jabs at the Bush administration but omitted his references to Armageddon.
Can someone explain why Farrakhan seems immune to the same treatment meted out to the Falwells and Robertsons? After all, he is a "minister." Not only that, he is considered a 'leader' of black America. Funny, I seem to remember something about leadership and accountability being related.
And maybe someone would like to explain how this kind of rhetoric helps blacks or anyone else? Whether or not blacks are disadvantaged is no excuse for the kind of lunacy and propaganda that Farrakhan and his ilk spews year after year. Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, and others seem to spend the bulk of their efforts rehashing the failures of the past. They have no vision of a future where they are not in power. And they willfully destroy any black American who achieves success without cutting them in first.
One of Rush's callers accurately categorized Farrakhan's rantings as being equivalent to the kinds of things that one hears at a KKK rally - meaningless, divisive drivel, devoid of reason, and useful only for whipping up rage and hate and fear among its listeners.
It's sad and troubling to watch the leaders of the Democrat party let this kind of hatemongering go by without a single objection, because to them it is more important to keep 95% of the black vote in their pockets than to actually challenge this nonsense and work for true justice and respect among all Americans.
I know that as individuals, blacks aren't stupid. And they're not as easily-led as political leaders often judge them to be. Farrakhan was right about one thing -- this is the time for blacks to have testicular fortitude. But when they stand up, it is Farrakhan's hate-filled propaganda that they should push into hell first.
(Cross-posted at WizBang Bomb Squad.)
Louis Farakhan should be stranded on the planet of TUARUS II where the natives there are great big gorrilalike creatures who would skewer this jerk with a spear the size of a telephone pole
Posted by: Flu-Bird | February 15, 2009 at 04:44 PM