DEBATE -- DEBATE -- DEBATE -- Okay, I'll admit that as a volunteer Palin blogger I blew the assignment, and missed all but about 10 minutes of the debate. (If only they wouldn't schedule these things during bath/story/bed time for the kids ...) You can read the full transcript here. The Palin Lipstick Brigade has the entire debate in video format, 20 minute segments.
But of the few minutes that I saw (questions on the Iraq "surge," Pakistan/Iran nuclear capabilities, and Israel) I honestly thought that Palin looked nervous and a bit shaky. Biden on the other hand was too cool, like a used car salesman or trial lawyer trying to pretend that he is your best friend and only wants what's best for you. Michelle Malkin said that Biden looked tired (except perhaps for his forehead, which was freakishly wrinkle-free). Over at WizBang, JayTea also thought Palin looked nervous, and he tired of her folksy act rather quickly. He also has a pet peeve with the way Palin pronounces 'nucular.'
The McCain camp was quick to issue a 14-point list of statements made by Biden that were completely inaccurate. There were other Biden humdingers as well, such as "we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon." WTF?? And Biden seemed to have difficulty remembering exactly what the Constitution says about the office of Vice President.
The focus group assembled by pollster Frank Luntz as part of the Fox News Channel coverage of the debate almost unanimously chose Palin as the winner. Last week, Luntz gave the first presidential debate to Obama. By contrast, CBS's straw poll gave it to Biden 46% to 21%, and CNN's
straw poll gave it to Biden 51% to 36%, with the remainder undecided. The Chicago Tribune reports that independents heavily favored Biden's debate performance. Of course I shouldn't have to remind you about the mainstream media's record with respect to picking "undecided voters."
All that being said, the consensus appears that Palin held her own against Biden and proved herself a worthy addition to the McCain presidential ticket. Most conservatives thought she hit a home run; liberals hated her before the debate, hated her last night, and will continue to hate her and do everything in their power to destroy her until she is finally resting in her grave. Allahpundit thinks that we will really see the results of last night's debate four years from now, during the 2012 Republican presidential primary. This of course assumes two things -- a McCain/Palin loss in November, and a presumed Palin presidential run. (ADDED: Yes, I know -- a one-term McCain presidency and a Palin nomination is another way that this prediction could play out.)
As a final note, Nielsen is reporting that this was the most watched vice presidential debate ever, drawing nearly 70 million viewers. And MsUnderestimated notes thaton the following morning, there was not a single mention of the debate on ABC's The View. More proof, I believe, that Sarah Palin is the driving force behind the McCain-Palin ticket.